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Helpful Articles

The following sources are helpful for learning more about nutrition, health, and food in Union County. 

Nutrition Summary

The National Institutes of Health is a great resource to learn more about nutrition and healthy eating. This webpage is a gateway with many links to resources for both specific issues and general information.

Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity

This webpage from the CDC offers information relating to changing your lifestyle to reach or maintain a healthy weight. It contains links to specific topics.

NC Food and Nutrition Resource Programs

This flyer describes many NC government food programs that you might join with links to their web pages.

What is MyPlate?

This webpage has links to learn about each of the five food groups. It contains information about serving sizes, nutrients, and health benefits of each group.

MyPlate Quiz

This quick and simple quiz asks you about your dieting habits and recommends some recipes and tip sheets that will help you eat a healthy, balanced diet. After you finish, it will give you a code so that you can sync your results with the MyPlate app.

Eat Healthy - More Key Topics

Learn more about oils, sugars, fat, sodium, and alcohol and how to use these ingredients in a balanced diet.

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Learn how to eat well while not spending too much. This webpage contains tips on how to get the most out of your money at the store, make a shopping plan, and how to save time while cooking.

Modifying a Recipe to Be Healthy

This website from the National Institute of Health lists substitutions that you can make to modify a recipe to be heart-healthy without sacrificing flavor.

Meal Prepping on a Budget

Here is a collection of articles from Grillio on meal prepping, planning your grocery shopping, and eating well on a budget.

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